Thatched Cottage, School Road, Kirby Cane. (Formerly known as Mud Hall)
The Milestone, Yarmouth Road, Ellingham, which once read Bungay 3 Yarmouth 15
Ellingham and Kirby Cane photograph archive
Church Farm, Mill Lane Ellingham.
Church Farm, Mill Lane, Ellingham
It was agreed in 1969 that the land owned by Ellingham United Charities be let to the Parish Council to serve as a playing field. The three remaining allotment holders were given notice. The initial cost was £1 and £5 per annum. In 1970 planning permission and grants were obtained and the lease extended to 21 years. In the year 2000 a working party of parents raised funds to update the playing equipment and did most of the work themselves. Later some adult gym equipment was installed. More recently members of the Parish Council and others applied for grants and raised monies to completely update the equipment, install picnic benches, which has proved so popular that children come from other areas to play. A Party in the Park celebrated their achievement and was followed by Music in the Park event. 2020 saw the temporary closure of the park due to the pandemic of COVID 19, an unprecedented catastrophe.
Picture by Iain Wright submitted to Beccles and Bungay Journal 17th August 2018
Party in the Park: Richard Lees exhibits the Ellingham Village sign that he carved. He is talking to Mr and Mrs Spall. Joyce Harms is on the left. The village photo archive exhibit on the left and Len Watson in centre.
Joyce Harms and Richard Lees discuss the village sign. Party in the Park 20th August 2017. Joyce was Chairman of Kirby Cane Parish Council before the amalgamation.
(Paul Farrow)
Zipwire fun! August 2017 (Paul Farrow)
The sack race. August 2017 (Paul Farrow)
Jane Love (Clerk to the Parish Council) with the chicken game. (Paul Farrow)
Swing fun! (Paul Farrow)
Lesley Lodge striding out on the adult equipment. Lesley, Parish Councillor, was one of the main fund raisers. (Paul Farrow)
Helen and Andrew Rayment, Mum Lilian and Diana Wadley (Paul Farrow)
Live Music: Party in the Park August 2017 (Paul Farrow)
John Cook, Chairman of the parish Council, gives the vote of thanks at The Party In the Park August 2017 (Paul Farrow)
Tree planting on playingfield: Mr Tipler with Ellingham School children,1977 (Carol Day)
Hornbeam Tree planted on the playing fieldby the Parish Council and Ellingham School pupils to commemorate World War 1. Blessing by Rev Julie Oddy-Bates (Diana Wadley)
Holly Love, Isaac Wren, Oscar Chapman with Headmistress Mrs Whyte at tree planting ceremony 2018 (Diana Wadley)
WI members with Bill Jenner plant a tree on the playing field. Left to right: Mrs Tomkinson,Rev Jenner, Hilda Wickenden, Mart Price, Joan Powers, Frances Mitchell, SNDC, Frances Warnham, Florrie Curtis, Peggy Hampson, Joyce Harms, Doreen Spencer, Pat Pitkin.
(From the WI Scrapbook)
Plaque on a seat at Ellingham Playing Field to commemorate the centenary of the Parish
Council 1994 and to those who died in both World wars. (Diana Wadley)
The original swings (Sharon Raven)
Roger Turner of Kirby Cane Stores presents a cheque to the millennium playing field committee
(Sharon Raven)
Sharon Raven raising funds at a cake stall in Beccles (Sharon Raven)
Millennium Playing Field Jumble Sale. Mrs Joyce Canham seated. (Sharon Raven)
Building the slide mound for the millennium playing field (Sharon Raven)
Newly built slide - opening ceremony (Sharon Raven)
Newly built climbing frame (Sharon Raven)
New swings 2000 (Sharon Raven)
Opening Ceremony. Didn't they do well! (Sharon Raven)
Receiving a cheque. Children on small slide. Adults include Margaret Chapman and Frank Honeywood (Sharon Raven)
New equipment 2016
Music in the Park 22nd September 2019
As above: Mud Hall, School Road, Kirby Cane, opposite the present Well Terrace, date and persons unknown but after 1879 - could possibly be John and Celia Harvey, Jack Harvey's Grandparents were known to have lived there and brought up 11 children.
The cottage consisted of two dwellings each with 3 rooms. The 1881 Census recorded 6 families living there: 15 adults and 12 children! The families were the Harveys, Laights, Prestons, Murtons, Falgates, and Parfitts. On 5th March 1920 it was auctioned at The King's Head and sold to Charles Tills (senior) Farmer. He died in 1927. His widow, Priscilla inherited the cottage and sold it to Ernest Aubrey Tills for £104 on 5th February 1932. He and his wife Gladys Elizabeth changed the name to Thatched House. Ernest died in the house on November 28th 1949. Gladys continued to live there for a total of 46 years. (Information from Valerie Peek and the Census)
Families enjoying a picnic at Music in the Park, September 2019
Best of Both band entertaining at Music in the Park.
Music in the Park - Bull of the Woods, local brewery.
Supported by Kirby Cane Memorial Hall (a registered charity).
Hosted by Krystal
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